Rain of Reflections
Game, Level and Narrative Designer
Sweden, Stockholm, Lionbite 2015 – 2016
Narrative Design
Creating characters and background stories.
Creating and writing outlines for dialogues and text-based puzzles.
Creating documentation and writing pipelines together with creative director.
Giving feedback on dialogue lines and voice actors.
Writing slogans for graffiti and trademarks within the game world.
Game Design
Paper prototyping gameplay & rapid prototyping features.
Creating and structuring functional pipelines for the game design department.
Designing A.I. behavior.
Writing and updating wiki with game design and mockups.
Writing technical documents and building tools together with programmers.
Mockups for UI.
Level Design
Topdowns and town planning, making sure all levels fit seamlessly together as a complete universe.
Whiteboxing levels and iterating them by making sure that camera, lighting and focal points ease the player through the level.
Node-based scripting to create and design cut-scenes, puzzles, dialogues, level transitions and camera pans.
Animating objects (such as doors, elevators etc).